According to the law, if the Whistleblower does not make a compliant to the judicial authority, to Court of Auditors or to the A.N.A.C., “they ought to submit it to their hierarchical superior”.
The Anti-Corruption Authority in interpreting the legislative provision states that ” at an administrative level, the corruption prevention system governed by law 190/2012 confides in the Supervisor responsible for the prevention of corruption to which the delicate and important task of proposing instruments and measures to counteract the corruption phenomena is entrusted.
They are therefore to be considered the appointed person who is functionally competent in recognizing any illicit facts and who can consequently undertake the appropriate measures for strengthening the corruption prevention plan. , on pain of, however, the activation of specific forms of responsibility in his comparisons.
Should they fail to fulfill their duties, they will be called to take responsibility for it.